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Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2020: some numbers of the competition for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow

On July 23rd, the second phase of the sixteenth edition of the competition for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2020, also closed.

The applications were numerous both in Phase 1 - Ideas Competition and in Phase 2 - Business Plan Competition. But who are the participants of the competition and which are the sectors in which more innovative ideas have been proposed?

With the candidatures completed, we can reveal some numbers of these two phases, while waiting to know the names of the new winners.

Who are the participants of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2020?

We've talked a lot about innovative ideas and projects, here let's talk a bit about the people behind them. Who are the proponents of the ideas and business plans submitted to the competition?

For Phase 1 - Ideas Competition, the numbers of proposers show that the average number of members per team is 2-3 people. Confirming what seems to be a trend, most of the proposers are men (78%), the number of women among proposers is well below half (22%).

Looking at Phase 2 - Business Plan Competition, however, we see that the average number of people in each team is higher, 3-4 people. This highlights a greater structuring, which is not surprising, since this second phase is dedicated to the competition between business plans.

Looking more closely at who the proposers are, we see even more of an imbalance in the composition of the team: the percentage of women among the participants, in fact, is lower than in Phase 1 (18%), further increasing the male component (82%).

What are the most innovative sectors for Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2020?

Let's now go back to talking about the innovative projects and ideas submitted to the contest, to reveal a topic that intrigues those who participated in the contest as much as those who are waiting to hear about the latest in innovation. What are the areas in which the most innovative ideas and projects were registered in this new edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta?

Talking about Phase 1, and therefore the part of the competition dedicated to ideas, it can be observed that there is a clear preponderance of ideas in the ICT sphere (39%), immediately followed by those in the Life Sciences sphere (24%). Also interesting is the number of ideas in the area of Tourism and Cultural and Creative Industry (19%). Slightly above 10% of all candidate ideas are those in the Cleantech & Energy sector (11%). At the back of the list are ideas in the Industrial sector (7%).

In Phase 2, on the other hand, the percentages are a little different, confirming however a preponderance of projects and startup candidates in the ICT sector (40%). The second sector for number of business plans is Tourism and Cultural and Creative Industry (19%), immediately followed by the Industrial sector (18%), almost tripling compared to the first phase. On the other hand, the percentage of projects in the Life Sciences sector has dropped considerably (13%), while projects in the Cleantech & Energy sector are slightly lower (10%).

Now we just have to wait for the Jury and the Evaluation Committee to finish the evaluation process of the proposed Business Plans to know who will be the winners of the 16th edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta. The process has just begun and will end this fall with the awards event!

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