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Phase 1 of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2020 starts now

The best ideas will receive prizes in services, i.e. support and consulting activities for the drafting of a real Business Plan.

We are happy to announce that today officially starts the Phase 1 of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta, the sixteenth edition of the competition for the entrepreneurs of the future in which innovative ideas and projects compete, and aimed at the growth of companies in the Piedmont and Aosta Valley regions. 

While we are waiting for the next Business Plan Competition, with its many news and rich prize fund, we invite you to participate in this first phase: the "Ideas Competition"!  

You can register on the platform by entering your information, those of your team, the description of your innovative idea and its stage of development. In addition, you will have the opportunity to insert an attachment for more details to be submitted to the evaluators of the incubators that will select you for the accompaniment to Phase 2, including information about the high knowledge content and the originality of the project.

Who can participate?

Are able to take part in the competition all those who are:

  • university students, or who are structured in universities and research centers;

  • aspiring entrepreneurs;

  • owners of young companies.

To submit your business idea or project for the first round of the competition, make sure your innovative products and/or services fall into one of the specific categories:

  • Life Sciences, to improve public health;

  • ICT, meaning products in the field of information technology and new media, e-commerce, social media, mobile, gaming, etc;

  • CleanTech & Energy, to improve environmental sustainability, environmental protection, energy management;

  • Industrial, for industrial production, innovative in terms of technology or market;

  • Tourism & Cultural and Creative Industry, if the idea is addressed to the tourism, culture and creativity sectors.

How do you get evaluated?

The evaluation will be based solely on the description of your project - so we recommend that you pay attention to it and provide all the elements which are necessary for its understanding and evaluation.

Among the evaluation criteria used by Incubators to evaluate ideas are:

  • technical feasibility,

  • originality

  • the size of the target market,

  • the quality and skills of the team.

Find all evaluation criteria within the newly released 2020 Competition Rules.

What are the prizes?

At the end of Phase 1 - Ideas Competition, the best ideas will receive prizes in services, i.e. support activities and consulting/training for the drafting of a real Business Plan, which will be the requirement for phase two.

At the deadline of Phase 1, June 22, there is no ranking and the best projects will be called by the incubators they have chosen.

In fact, during the compilation of the form to participate in the first phase of the competition, you will have the opportunity to choose the university incubator that will help you - if selected among the best ideas submitted - to transform your idea into a real business project, supporting you in the drafting of the Business Plan necessary to participate in Phase 2.

More specifically, university incubators are the promoters of the competition itself:

  • I3P, the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin;

  • 2i3T, the University of Turin incubator;

  • Enne3, the incubator of the University of Eastern Piedmont.

Participating in Phase 1 is not mandatory to apply for Phase 2, but it can be crucial for you to have the opportunity to be supported in the development of your business plan, through the free support and advice provided by the expert tutors of the incubators, and participate in Phase 2, which includes numerous cash prizes and services offered by the promoters and sponsors of the initiative.

For more information on the requirements to participate, the deadlines and all information about the competition, please refer to the dedicated sections and to the official Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2020 Competition Rules, available in the section "How to participate" and in the other dedicated sections.

You have time to submit your innovative idea until 6 pm on June 22, 2020!

We take this opportunity to remind you that all the tutors of the incubators, the jurors and all the people involved in the various steps of the competition have signed an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), so every business project submitted on the platform will be protected.

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